1 minutes readReader ModeWhy are 43% of new moms leaving the workforce?

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In a recent study, 75% of expecting mothers said they looked forward to coming back to work after maternity leave—but, in reality, only 57% returned. And, of those, only half resumed their original positions. The other half chose more family-friendly jobs—even when that meant taking a cut in pay.

What’s changing their minds?

New parents cite several key reasons for leaving the workforce, including:

  • Lack of child care
  • Inflexible work hours
  • Doctor appointments and clinic visits
  • Postpartum depression

For employers, replacing these employees is costly (typically 150% of their yearly wage), and many are looking for ways to help working moms navigate the challenges of parenting.

Research shows that parenting education makes a difference.

Taking prenatal and new-parent classes, and being a part of parenting support groups, is proven to help new moms:

  • Build confidence
  • Reduce stress
  • Reduce distraction at work
  • Reduce feelings of isolation
  • Reduce postpartum depression

Through new-parent education and support, Amma Parenting has been helping employers retain and attract working moms since 2007. To see how easy it is to add Amma Parenting to your benefits package, schedule a chat with us today.

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