1 - 2 minutes readReader ModeHealthier births create a healthier bottom line

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For today’s employers, maternity costs are one of the biggest drivers of healthcare claims—and, in recent years, unnecessary C-sections have driven those costs even higher. 

C-sections hit all-time high

In 2018, over 31% of all babies born in the U.S. were delivered by C-section, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That’s twice the 10-15% rate recommended by the World Health Organization. And some U.S. hospitals have reported C-section rates as high as 60%.

Education makes a difference

Helping new moms avoid preventable C-sections is an important way to ensure that employees stay healthier, return to work sooner, and keep hospital costs lower. Because of this, many employers have begun including childbirth preparation and new parent classes in their employee benefit offerings.

Expectant mothers who know what to expect are better prepared for a natural birth and are far less likely to need a C-section—and high-quality birth-preparation classes have been proven to lower the rate of C-sections by up to 75%.

Amma makes it easy

Many employers partner with Amma Parenting to bring premium-quality childbirth education to their employees. Amma’s expert teachers use evidence-based curriculum to equip expectant mothers with skills and confidence, the Amma team handles all the class logistics, and—most importantly—new mothers have healthier births and faster recoveries.

Partner with Amma Parenting to offer childbirth and parenting education. Learn More

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