1 - 2 minutes readReader ModeHow to encourage mothers to return to the workplace

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The pandemic pulled parents out of work at alarming rates and many still have not returned—especially the moms. As of April 2021, 1.5 million mothers were still missing from the workforce. 

The reasons for their absence vary but many of these moms are still at home because of their kids and families. Some can’t find childcare, or can no longer justify the cost of it. Some are navigating the ongoing health risks. Some have simply come to appreciate more time at home.

As your business looks for ways to attract and retain female workers, factoring in family support will be more important than ever. Family first is the priority for many of these mothers, and they’ll be looking for employers who understand that.

One tangible way to stand out as a family-supportive employer is by offering high-quality prenatal and postnatal classes as a benefit to your employees. While an offering like this is appealing to job candidates who may plan to become pregnant, it’s also a clear indicator to any mother or father that your workplace supports parents.

Amma Parenting makes it easy to offer premium parenting support. For over 15 years, Amma’s expert team has been helping moms have healthier births, better recoveries, and lower chances of postpartum depression. Three of the largest health systems in Minnesota recommend Amma as the preferred provider of prenatal education, and mothers rave about their experiences with Amma.

Show your current and potential employees that you’re committed to supporting their families, help bring mothers back to work, and create a workplace culture where parents can thrive.

Curious about offering Amma Parenting childbirth and parenting education as an employee benefit? Learn More