Are you looking for the kind of employee benefits that will set you apart as an employer of choice? Childbirth classes and new parent support from Amma Parenting are a great place to start—and offering them to your employees couldn’t be easier. We can have you up and running in as little as three weeks.
Here’s how to get started:
Check out our website to learn how Amma classes can help you stand out as an employer of choice and support your bottom line at the same time. Here are a few of the top advantages to an Amma benefits package: Our classes help keep your workforce healthy and engaged, reduce the chance of complicated and expensive childbirth, prevent postpartum depression, reduce stress, support your employees and their families, and protect your investment in your people. Visit to learn more.
Schedule a quick 30-minute call with Amma’s partner relations manager, Lyndie Shackelford, at 952.201.5278 or [email protected].
Need to add more people to the conversation? Let’s get together! We can talk through all of your questions and present various options for how you might want to structure your employee benefit. For example, do you want to cover one class per employee? Unlimited classes? Something in between? Do you want to cover spouses of employees? We’ll present all the options and you can determine what works best for you.
This step is easy. Once you see how much your business has to gain with Amma Parenting classes, you can give us a thumbs up on getting started. From this point on, we can have you fully set up in just three weeks!
We’ll send over our contract for your review. Our clients especially love two things about our contracts: First, you only pay for the classes your employees actually take, nothing more. And, second, there’s no long-term obligation—you can change plans at any time. The contract will cover pricing, billing, and whatever components we determine together in Step 3.
While the contract is being reviewed on your end, we can keep moving forward on getting you set up. We’ll talk through how you’d like to let your employees know about this new benefit and what kind of language you’d like to use when you talk about it. For example, will Amma Parenting classes be part of your wellness program or your benefits package? What tools do you have for communicating with employees? What materials will you need for spreading the word? Together we’ll nail down the details.
We’ll take everything we’ve discussed and use it to create a custom, co-branded Amma landing page exclusively for your employees. This page will have a custom URL you can distribute to your team, so your employees have a consistent, clear online experience and they only see the language and classes that fit your offerings.
Remember, we’re here to provide everything you need for communicating with your employees about the Amma classes—but it’s up to you to get the word out. So let us know what you need. Many employers start with a postcard, a flier, a jpg image, and a blurb they can use in newsletters, emails, and social postings. All of these materials are included in your package (and more, if you need them).
As soon as we’ve completed all the steps above and received the signed contract, your custom web page will go live and your employees can begin accessing classes!
Every month, with your invoice, we’ll include a report on all of the activity with your employees. And we’re always here with marketing support!