3 minutes readReader Mode10 easy steps to bringing Amma to your health system

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Partnering with Amma Parenting for childbirth classes frees up your staff to focus on patient care—and ensures your patients are better prepared for healthy birthing experiences. Our typical health partner gains back five to eight staff hours a week when they outsource their classes to us. Amma makes it easy by handling everything for you—the curriculum, the teaching, the logistics, and the scheduling details. All you do is refer patients our way.

Here’s how to get started:

1. Discover the value.

Check out our website to learn more about how Amma classes can help you achieve better outcomes and birthing experiences with our evidence-based curriculum. Visit https://ammaparenting.com/classes/ for more information

2. Connect.

Schedule a quick 30-minute informational call with Amma’s Corporate Program Manager, Lyndie Shackelford, at 952.201.5278 or [email protected].

3. Meet.

Need to add more people to the conversation? Let’s get together! We can talk through all of your questions and present various options for how you might want to structure your Amma partnership. For example, do you want to offer classes on site at your location? Do you want your patients to attend classes at Amma’s locations? Both? We’ll present all the options and you can determine what works best for you.

4. Decide.

This step is easy. Once you see how much your health system has to gain with Amma childbirth classes—and how little labor or investment it requires from you—you can give us a thumbs up on getting started.

5. Review the details.

We’ll send over an onboarding plan, a timeline, and a service agreement for your review. You don’t pay a thing to gain Amma as your partner—you simply agree to send your patients to us. The contract will also include whatever components we determine together in Step 3.

6. Design your program.

While the details are being reviewed on your end, we can keep moving forward on getting you set up. We’ll talk through how you communicate with your patients, and how you will tell them about Amma classes.  For example, what tools do you have for communicating with them? What materials will you need for spreading the word? We’ll show you best practices and together we’ll create a plan.

7. Set up your website.

We’ll provide everything you need to add Amma classes to your health system’s website, including scheduling support. Our scheduling software can plug and play with your existing calendar system—so your patients can have a seamless experience.

8. Review your custom marketing materials.

Remember, we’re here to provide everything you need for communicating with your patients about the Amma classes—but it’s up to you to get the word out. So let us know what you need. Many health systems start with a postcard, a flier, a jpg image, and a blurb they can use in newsletters, emails, and social postings. All of these materials are included in your package (and more, if you need them).

9. Set up any onsite classes.

If you opt to have Amma teach on site at your location(s), our educators will begin to get familiar with the classrooms, stock them with everything they need, and meet with your staff as necessary.

10. Relax—knowing your patients have what they need.

With Amma, your patients will have quality childbirth and parenting education, as well as the support of an ongoing Amma community.

Ready to partner with Amma for childbirth & parenting education? Let’s get started. Learn more